Отделение лечения орофациальных болей и оральной терапии

Отделение лечения орофациальных болей и оральной терапии

Oral medicine is one of the specialty fields in dentistry, that deals with a variety of diseases and conditions in oral, facial, head and neck regions. Patient care in the Department of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine includes the management of patients with diseases of the oral soft tissues, facial pains and temporomandibular disorders, halitosis, sensory and motor dysfunctions of the jaws, salivary gland disorders, sleep disorders including bruxism and snoring, medically compromised patients, and behavioral medicine as relates to oral symptoms and conditions. Additionally, the Department of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine offers the service of forensic odontology for the patients in need of medicolegal expertise.

1. Temporomandibular disorders
- Temporomandibular joint disorders: internal derangements, arthritides, and dislocation of TMJ
- Masticatory muscle disorders: myalgia, myofascial pain, and myospasm of the masticatory muscles
2. Orofacial pain
- Trigeminal neuralgia, burning mouth syndrome, tension-type headache, and deafferentation pain conditions, etc
3. Maxillofacial movement disorders
- Bruxism, oromandibular dytonia, and orofacial dykinesia
4. Snoring and sleep apnea
5. Oral mucosal diseases
- Infectious and immunologic diseases, etc
6. Dry mouth
7. Taste disorders
8. Oral malodor
9. Medicolegal expertise and age estimation

Relevant web site
Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
Korean Academy of Temporomandibular Disorders


Clinic - Tel : +82-62-530-5670 / Office - Tel : +82-62-530-5678 / Fax : +82-62-530-5679

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