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- 2021. 9. ~ 2023. 8. 한국방송통신대학교 경영대학원 경영학석사 [MBA: Master of Business Administration]
- 2019. 3. ~ 2021. 2. 한국방송통신대학교 영어영문학과 문학사 [Bachelor of Arts]
- 2007. 9. ~ 2010. 8. 전남대학교 대학원 치의학박사 [Ph.D.]
- 2001. 3. ~ 2003. 8. 전남대학교 대학원 치의학석사 [Master of Science]
- 1994. 3. ~ 2000. 2. 전남대학교치과대학 치의학사 [Doctor of Dental Surgery]
- 경력
- 2024 ~ 현재 전남대학교치과병원 기획부장
- 2023 ~ 현재 전남대학교 덴탈4D연구소장
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- 2017 ~ 2018 미국 Stanford 대학교 연수 [Stanford Medical Center / Stanford University School of Medicine]
- 2015 ~ 2017 전남대학교치과병원 교육연구부장
- 2009 ~ 현재 전남대학교 치의학전문대학원 보철학교실/ 치과병원 보철과 교수
- 2007 ~ 2009 전남대학교치과병원 보철과 전임의, 임상교수
- 2006 ~ 2007 국군수도병원 치과부 보철과 군의관, 기공과장
- 2000 ~ 2004 전남대학교병원 치과 보철과 인턴/레지던트
- 경력 중 수상경력
- 2020 Scientific Poster Presentation Competition 2nd Place. AMERICAN EQUILIBRATION SOCIETY(미국교합학회) 65th Scientific Meeting
- 2019 Best poster presentation award. The 16th International Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology
- 2012 치연학술상. 전남대학교치의학연구소
- 연구업적
[국제학술지 주저자]
1. MK Ji, Y Chun, G Jeong, HS Kim, WJ Kim, JH Ryu, H Cho, 임현필(교신저자). Biological Effects of Double-Layered Hydroxyapatite and Zirconium Oxide Depositions on Titanium Surfaces. Int J Nanomedicine (JCR 10%). 2024 Aug 6:19:8015-8027. [PMID: 39130690]
2. HJ Kim, SK Lee, HS Kim, WJ Kim, JH Ryu, MK Ji, 임현필(교신저자). Atomic Layer Deposition of Zirconia on Titanium Implants Improves Osseointegration in Rabbit Bones. Int J Nanomedicine (JCR 10%). 2024 May 30:19:5011-5020. [PMID: 38832337]
3. MK Ji, H Kim, G Jeong, WJ Kim, JH Ryu, H Cho, 임현필(교신저자). Effects of TiO2 Nanotubes and Reduced Graphene Oxide on Streptococcus mutans and Preosteoblastic Cells at an Early Stage. Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Jan 22;25(2):1351. [PMID: 38279351]
4. Lydia Park, HS Kim, WH Jang, MK Ji, JH Ryu, HS Cho, 임현필(교신저자). Antibacterial Evaluation of Zirconia Coated with Plasma-Based Graphene Oxide with Photothermal Properties. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 May 17;24(10):8888. [PMID: 37240234]
5. MK Ji, SK Lee, HS Kim, GJ Oh, HS Cho, 임현필(교신저자). Assessment of Inhibition of Biofilm Formation on Non-Thermal Plasma-Treated TiO2 Nanotubes. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Feb 7;24(4):3335. [PMID: 36834746]
6. HS Kim, WH Jang, YG Im, Hyun-Pil Lim 임현필(교신저자). Antibacterial Effect of Zirconia Nanoparticles on Polyethyl Methacrylate Resin for Provisional Crowns. Int J Nanomedicine. 2022 Dec 21;17:6551-6560. [PMID: 36575697]
7. SK Lee, MK Ji, YJ Jo, C Park, HS Cho, 임현필(교신저자). Effect of Non-Thermal Plasma Treatment of Contaminated Zirconia Surface on Porphyromonas gingivalis Adhesion and Osteoblast Viability. Materials (Basel). 2022 Aug 3;15(15):5348. [PMID: 35955282]
8. HS Kim, MK Ji, HS Cho, 임현필(교신저자) et al. Biological Effects of the Novel Mulberry Surface Characterized by Micro/Nanopores and Plasma-Based Graphene Oxide Deposition on Titanium. Int J Nanomedicine (JCR 10%). 2021 Oct 28;16:7307-7317. [PMID: 34737568]
9. WH Jang, HS Cho, 임현필(교신저자) et al. Direct-deposited graphene oxide on dental implants for antimicrobial activities and osteogenesis. Int J Nanomedicine (JCR 10%). 2021 Aug 24;16:5745-5754. [PMID: 34471350]
10. Nuri Seo, Yang YP, 임현필(교신저자) et al. Effect of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle Addition to Polycaprolactone Periodontal Membranes on Antibacterial Activity and Cell Viability. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2021 Jul 1;21(7):3683-3688. [PMID: 33715674]
11. Yujin Jo, Jaeyeong Heo, 임현필(교신저자) et al. Atomic layer deposition of ZrO2 on titanium inhibits bacterial adhesion and enhances osteoblast function. Int J Nanomedicine (JCR 10%). 2021 Feb 24;16:1509-1523. [PMID: 33658781]
12. Ji MK, 임현필(교신저자) et al. Effect on Cell Viability with the Passage of Time after atmospheric plasma treatment on Titanium oxide surface. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2020 Sep 1;20(9):5680-5682. [PMID: 32331158]
13. Ji MK, 임현필(교신저자) et al. Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment on Shear Bond Strength Between Zirconia and Dental Porcelain Veneer. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2020 Sep 1;20(9):5683-5685. [PMID:32331159]
14. Ji MK, 임현필(교신저자) et al. Assessment of Inhibition of Biofilm Formation on TiO2 Nanotubes According to Non-Thermal Plasma Treatment Conditions and the Elapsed Time in the Atmosphere. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2020 Sep 1;20(9):5742-5745. [PMID: 32331171]
15. Kang H, 임현필(교신저자) et al. Effect of Plasma Surface Treatment on Shear Bond Strength with Denture Base Resin in Co–Cr Alloy, Ti–6Al–4V Alloy, and CP–Ti Alloy J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2020 Sep 1;20(9):5771-5774. [PMID: 32331177]
16. Park SH, 임현필(교신저자) et al. Graphene–Chitosan Hybrid Dental Implants with Enhanced Antibacterial and Cell-Proliferation Properties. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(14), 4888.
17. Rho K, 임현필(교신저자) et al. Biological Effects of Plasma-Based Graphene Oxide Deposition on Titanium . J. Nanomater. 2019(3):1-7
18. Park C, 임현필(교신저자) et al. Effect of Plasma Treatment and Its Post Process Duration on Shear Bonding Strength and Antibacterial Effect of Dental Zirconia. Materials (Basel). 2018 Nov 9;11(11):2233. [PMID: 30423984]
19. 임현필, Park SW, Yun KD, Park C, Ji MK, Oh GJ, Lee JT, Lee K. Novel β-TCP Coated Titanium Nanofiber Surface for Enhanced Bone Growth. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2018 Feb 1;18(2):853-855. [PMID: 29448505]
20. 임현필, Park SW, Yun KD, Park C, Ji MK, Oh GJ, Lee JT, Lee K. Hydroxyapatite Coating on TiO₂ Nanotube by Sol-Gel Method for Implant Applications. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2018 Feb 1;18(2):1403-1405. [PMID: 29448599]
21. Kim AR, 임현필(교신저자), Yang HS, Park SW. Effect of ferrule on the fracture resistance of mandibular premolars with prefabricated posts and cores. J Adv Prosthodont. 2017 Oct;9(5):328-334. [PMID: 29142639]
22. Park C, Park S, Lee D, Choi KS, 임현필(교신저자), Kim J. Graphene as an Enabling Strategy for Dental Implant and Tissue Regeneration. Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2017 Oct;14(5):481–493.
23. Park C, Yoo SH, Park SW, Yun KD, Ji MK, Shin JH, 임현필(교신저자). The effect of plasma on shear bond strength between resin cement and colored zirconia. J AdvProsthodont. 2017 Apr;9(2):118-123.
24. Ji MK, Oh G, Kim JW, Park S, Yun KD, Bae JC, 임현필(교신저자). Effects on Antibacterial Activity and Osteoblast Viability of Non-Thermal Atmospheric Pressure Plasma and Heat Treatments of TiO2 Nanotubes. J NanosciNanotechnol. 2017 Apr;17(4):2312-315. [PMID: 29638654]
25. Seo NR, Ji MK, Park SW, Lee K, Bae JC, Yun KD, Park C, Oh GJ, Kim JH, 임현필(교신저자). Effect on Adhesion of Porphyromonasgingivalis by Titanium Nitride Sputter Coating or Plasma Nitriding of Titanium.J NanosciNanotechnol. 2017 Apr;17(4):2633-636.[PMID: 29664251]
26. Park C, Vang MS, Park SW, 임현필(교신저자). Effect of various polishing systems on the surface roughness and phase transformation of zirconia and the durability of the polishing systems. J Prosthet Dent. 2017 Mar;117(3):430-437. [PMID: 28088308]
27. Park C, Jun DJ, Park SW, 임현필(교신저자). Use of polyaryletherketone (PAEK) based polymer for implant-supported telescopic overdenture: A case report. J AdvProsthodont. 2017 Feb;9(1):74-76. [PMID: 28243395]
28. Joo HS, Park SW, Yun KD, 임현필(교신저자). Complete-mouth rehabilitation using a 3D printing technique and the CAD/CAM double scanning method: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 2016 Jul;116(1):3-7. [PMID: 26946918]
29. Ji MK, MJ Lee, Park SW, Lee KM, Yun KD, Kim HS, Oh Gj, 임현필(교신저자). Evaluation of antibacterial activity of titanium surface modified by PVD/PACVD process. J NanosciNanotechnol. 2016 Feb;16(2):1656-9. [PMID: 27433640]
30. Kim GH, Kim IS, Park SW, Lee KM, Yun KD, Kim HS, Oh Gj, Ji MK, 임현필(교신저자). Evaluation of osteoblast-like cell viability and differentiation on the Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser peptide immobilized titanium dioxide nanotube via chemical grafting. J NanosciNanotechnol. 2016 Feb;16(2):1396-9. [PMID: 27433593]
31. Ji MK, Park JH, Park SW, Yun KD, Oh Gj, 임현필(교신저자). Evaluation of fitness of 2 CAD-CAM anatomic contour zirconia crown system and lithium disilicate glass-ceramic crown. J AdvProsthodont. 2015 Aug;7(4):271-7. [PMID: 26330973]
32. HS Joo, SW Park, HS Kim, 임현필(교신저자). Influence of preparation depth on the fracture load of customized zirconia abutment with titanium inserts. J AdvProsthodont. 2015 Jun;7(3):183-90. [PMID: 26140169]
33. Kim GH, Park SW, Lee KM, Oh GJ, 임현필(교신저자). Shear bond strength between resin cement and colored zirconia made with metal chlorides. J Prosthet Dent. 2015 Jun;113(6):603-8. [PMID: 25819355]
34. Ji MK, Park SW, Lee KM, Kang IC, Kim HS, Oh GJ, 임현필(교신저자). Evaluation of antibacterial activity and osteoblast-like cell viability of TiN, ZrN and (Ti1-xZrx)N coating on titanium. J AdvProsthodont. 2015 Apr;7(2):166-71. [PMID: 25932316]
35. Park JH, Park S, Lee K, Yun KD, 임현필(교신저자). Antagonist wear of three CAD/CAM anatomic contour zirconia ceramics. J Prosthet Dent. 2014 Jan;111(1):20-9. [PMID: 24199603]
36. Song JY, Park SW, Lee K, Yun KD, 임현필(교신저자). Fracture strength and microstructure of Y-TZP zirconia after different surface treatments. J Prosthet Dent. 2013 Oct;110(4):274-80. [PMID: 24079562]
37. Yun KD, Park SW, Lee KM, Kim HS, Vang MS, Yang HS, Koh JT, Kang SS, Oh GJ, Kim GH, Ji MK, Hwang GW, 임현필(교신저자). Titanium dioxide nanotube modified implants: an animal study on bone formation. J NanosciNanotechnol. 2013 Jun;13(6):3864-7. [PMID: 23862419]
38. 임현필, Mercado-Pagan AE, Yun KD, Kang SS, Choi TH, Bishop J, Koh JT, Maloney W, Lee KM, Yang YP, Park SW. The effect of rhBMP-2 and PRP delivery by biodegradable β-tricalcium phosphate scaffolds on new bone formation in a non-through rabbit cranial defect model. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2013 Aug;24(8):1895-903. [PMID: 23779152]
39. 임현필, Lee KM, Koh YI, Park SW. Allergic contact stomatitis caused by a titanium nitride-coated implant abutment: a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 2012 Oct;108(4):209-13. [PMID: 23031726]
40. 임현필, Lee K, Vang M, Yang H, Yun K, Oh G, Koh J, Kim O, Kook M, Kang S, Park S. Histomorphometric evaluation of an implant with a nanotubular surface treatment in a beagle femur. J NanosciNanotechnol. 2011 Aug;11(8):7108-11. [PMID: 22103135]
41. 임현필, Kim JH, Lee KM, Park SW.Fracture load of titanium crowns coated with gold or titanium nitride and bonded to low-fusing porcelain. J Prosthet Dent. 2011 Mar;105(3):164-70. [PMID: 21356408]
42. 임현필, Yoo JM, Park SW, Yang HS. Fracture load of implant-supported zirconia all-ceramic crowns luted with various cements. Int J Prosthodont. 2010 Jul-Aug;23(4):361-3. [PMID: 20617227]
43. 임현필, Kim SS, Yang HS, Vang MS. Shear bond strength and failure types of polymethyl methacrylate denture base resin and titanium treated with surface conditioner. Int J Prosthodont. 2010 May-Jun;23(3):246-8. [PMID: 20552091] -
[국제학술지 공저자]
1. Kim YR, 임현필, Park C, Lee BN et al. The potential bone regeneration effects of leptin- and osteolectin-coated 3D-printed PCL scaffolds: an in vivo study. Biomed Mater. 2024 May 20;19(4). [PMID: 38688311]
2. Cho EH, 임현필, Park C, Lee BN et al. A leptin-loaded poly-epsilon-caprolactone 3D printing scaffold for odontoblastic differentiation in human dental pulp cells. Biomed Mater 2023 Dec 8;19(1). [PMID: 37972541]
3. Kim YS. 임현필, C Park et al. Ceramic 3D printing using lithium silicate prepared by sol-gel method for customizing dental prosthesis with optimal translucency. Ceramics International 2023 Dec 49 (24): 39788-39799.
4. Kang JH, Sakthiabirami K, 임현필, Park SW et al. Effects of UV Absorber on Zirconia Fabricated with Digital Light Processing Additive Manufacturing. Materials (Basel). 2022 Dec 7;15(24):8726. [PMID: 36556530]
5. Sakthiabirami. K, 임현필, Park SW et al. Hybrid porous zirconia scaffolds fabricated using additive manufacturing for bone tissue engineering applications. Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl. 2021 Apr;123:111950. [PMID: 33812579]
6. Kang JH, 임현필, Park SW et al. Fabrication and Characterization of 45S5 Bioactive Glass/Thermoplastic Composite Scaffold by Ceramic Injection Printer. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2020 Sep 1;20(9):5520-5524. [PMID: 32331129]
7. Ryu SK, 임현필, Park SW et al. Wear Behavior of the Human Enamel Antagonist to Different Glazed Zirconia. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2020 Sep 1;20(9):5676-5679. [PMID: 32331157]
8. Kim H, 임현필, Park C et al. Denture flask fabrication using fused deposition modeling three-dimensional printing. J Prosthodont Res. 2020 Apr;64(2):231-234. [PMID: 31699615]
9. Park C, 임현필, Park SW et al. Combining 3D-printed metal and resin for digitally fabricated dentures: A dental technique. J Prosthet Dent. 2020 Mar;123(3):389-392. [PMID: 31540765]
10. Kang JH, 임현필, Park SW et al. Mechanical properties and optical evaluation of scaffolds produced from 45S5 bioactive glass suspensions via stereolithography. Ceramics International 2020 Feb; 46: 2481-2488
11. Jung S, Park C, Yang HS, 임현필, Yun KD, Ying Z, Park SW. Comparison of different impression techniques for edentulous jaws using three-dimensional analysis J Adv Prosthodont. 2019 Jun;11(3):179-186. [PMID: 31297177]
12. Jang KJ, Kang JH, Sakthiabirami K, 임현필, Yun KD, Yim EK, Oh GJ, Yang HS, Lee KK, Park SW. Evaluation of Cure Depth and Geometrical Overgrowth Depending on Zirconia Volume Fraction Using Digital Light Processing. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2019 Apr 1;19(4):2154-2157. doi: 10.1166/jnn.2019.15971. [PMID: 30486959]
13. Vu VT, Oh GJ, 임현필, Yun KD, Ryu SK, Yim EK, Fisher JG, Ban JS, Park SW. Shear Bond Strength of Zirconia to Titanium Implant Using Glass Bonding. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2019 Feb 1;19(2):967-969. doi: 10.1166/jnn.2019.15913. [PMID: 30360181]
14. Yang H, Park C, Shin JH, Yun KD, 임현필,Park SW, Chung H. Stress distribution in premolars restored with inlays or onlays: 3D finite element analysis. J AdvProsthodont. 2018 Jun;10(3):184-190.
15. Vu VT, Oh GJ, 임현필, Yun KD, Kim JW, Park SW. Evaluation of Acid Etching on Surface Characteristics, Strength and Biological Response of Glass-Infiltrated Zirconia. J NanosciNanotechnol. 2018 Mar 1;18(3):2223-2226.
16. Kim JH, Park SW, 임현필, Park C, Yun KD. Biocompatibility Evaluation of Feldspathic Porcelain with Nano-Sized Silver Ion Particles. J NanosciNanotechnol. 2018 Feb 1;18(2):1237-1240
17. Kim JW, Oh GJ, 임현필, Yun KD, Park C, Lee KK, Ban JS, Park SW, Yim EK. Evaluation of the Fitness of Glass-Infiltrated Zirconia Core in Maxillary Central Incisor. J NanosciNanotechnol. 2018 Feb 1;18(2):1445-1448.
18. Nguyen TPT, Oh GJ, 임현필, Yun KD, Kim JW, Vu VT, Park C, Ban JS, Yang HS, Park SW. Evaluation of Sandblasting on Mechanical Properties and Cell Response of Bioactive Glass Infiltrated Zirconia. J NanosciNanotechnol. 2017 Apr;17(4):2740-742.
19. Oh YA, Yang HS, Park SW, 임현필, Yun KD, Park C. Analysis of the width ratio and wear rate of maxillary anterior teeth in the Korean population. J AdvProsthodont. 2017 Apr;9(2):93-98
20. Vu VT, Oh GJ, Yun KD, 임현필, Kim JW, Nguyen TPT, Park SW. Acid etching of glass-infiltrated zirconia and its biological response. J AdvProsthodont. 2017 Apr;9(2):104-109.
21. Yim EK, Oh GJ, Kim JW, Ji MK, 임현필, Yun KD, Yang HS, Ban JS, Park SW.The Effect of Glass Layer Thickness on the Shear Bond Strength Between Glass Infiltrated Zirconia and Veneering Porcelain. J NanosciNanotechnol. 2017 Apr;17(4):2824-827.
22. Nguyen TPT, Oh GJ, 임현필, Yun KD, Kim JW, Vu VT, Park C, Ban JS, Yang HS, Park SW. Evaluation of Sandblasting on Mechanical Properties and Cell Response of Bioactive Glass Infiltrated Zirconia. J NanosciNanotechnol. 2017 Apr;17(4):2740-742.
23. Oh GJ, Yoon JH, Vu VT, Ji MK, Kim JH, Kim JW, Yim EK, Bae JC, Park C, Yun KD, 임현필, Park SW. Surface Characteristics of Bioactive Glass-Infiltrated Zirconia with Different Hydrofluoric Acid Etching Conditions. J NanosciNanotechnol. 2017 Apr;17(4):1645-648.
24. Park C, Yang HS, 임현필, Yun KD, Oh GJ, Park SW. A New Fast and Simple Border Molding Process for Complete Dentures Using a Compound Stick Gun. Int J Prosthodont. 2016 Nov/Dec;29(6):559-560.
25. Chun JS, Har A, 임현필, Lim HJ. The analysis of cost-effectiveness of implant and conventional fixed dental prosthesis. J AdvProsthodont. 2016 Feb;8(1):53-61.
26. Yun K, Kang S, Oh G, Lim H, Lee K, Yang H, Vang M, Park S. Histological evaluation of nano-micro titanium implant surface treatment in beagle humerus. J NanosciNanotechnol. 2016 Feb;16(2):1887-9.
27. Shin JH, Kim JH, Koh JT, 임현필, Oh GJ, Lee SW, Lee KM, Yun KD, Park SW.Preparation and Characterisation of Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Nanotubular TiO2 Surface Obtained by Sol-Gel Process.JNanosciNanotechnol. 2015 Aug;15(8):6164-7.
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